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Newest Obsession – What did I get myself into now?

Just when I thought it was finally time to cash in all of those old coins hubby and I have hoarded through the years, Google pops up with a news story letting us know we should check our pockets for these valuable coins still in circulation. Weeks later this little organization project has turned into my newest obsession as we search for hidden treasure.

Gun Show Anyone?

Nearly every weekend, you can find a gun show taking place somewhere in the Sunshine State. If you're curious about what to expect at these events, check out our recent visit to the Palm Beach Gun & Knife Show.

Florida Life – The Ugly

Hurricanes: Being transplants from New Jersey, we thought our experience with Nor-easters and category one storms prepared us for a Florida hurricane. In our minds, we expected the storms to be stronger, but nothing prepared us for what came at…